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Roof Trusses

The European standard for roof trusses is EN 14250 “Timber structures — Product requirements for prefabricated structural members assembled with punched metal plate fasteners”. The standard is a harmonised standard which means that it applies throughout the European Union (EU) including Ireland and the UK. As a harmonised standard EN 14250 also specifies CE marking and therefore a Declaration of Performance should be provided.

Roof trusses for use in Ireland must be designed to I.S. EN 1995-1- 1 (the Eurocode) using the appropriate loading standards and National Annexes.

SR 70:2015 “Timber in construction – Eurocode 5 - Trussed rafters” provides non- contradictory complimentary information (NCCI) on roof trusses for use in Ireland. SR 70 includes information on bracing, checklists and the erection of roof trusses on site; there are also some sketches to indicate various aspects of truss use on site.

Irish Code of Practice ICP2 on Slating and Tiling is currently under review by NSAI and is due for publication in 2017 as SR82. This code of practice includes requirements for roof battens and WTI information sheet ‘ICP2 – battens’ provides technical details on the timber used for roofing battens and current regulations. See Information Sheet here Battens.

See Information Sheet WTI-02 Roof Trusses - General Information

The following list of Roof Truss Manufacturers is based on currently available information and will be updated periodically. Inclusion in the list does not imply any form of of approval by WTI. Roof Truss Manufacturers are invite to provide WTI with updated details of their company and of the products manufactured.

Roof Truss Manufacturers